Festival Origins


What are we seeking in the call for a renewal of our modern culture?

Working with this very question leads us to the idea that this call for a renewal of culture is really at the same time a call for the development of a new feeling life that wakes the soul to higher insight. This frame of mind creates the potential for a real communal being to descend in a group of people. It was this quality of thinking that led us to an imagination for creating events that address this call for a renewal of culture for the social organism. To achieve this a lot of preparation was made to root the event into two fundamental streams. The first was to place the event in the context of a cosmic festival rhythm. The rhythm we felt would be best to begin our imaginative quest for this new social element, was the Michaelmas tide. Our research to find the specific festival rhythm that reflected our intentions was met with the second marrying stream. This was the idea to find the right geographic medicine that mirrored the festival tide. The setting for this Micheal festival was discovered in the sacred land of San Miguel del Allende, Mexico. This location truly revealed its synergistic relationship to the chosen rhythmic point of consciousness within the yearly cycle.


Once the vessel was formed, communities from all parts of the Americas representing biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophical medicine and curative education, came together to create the first chapter of a new Cultural Initiative.  This idea of bridging the communities was inspired by the work of Lilly Kolisko. Her research into forming the “World Agricultural Movement” led our event to cultivate an artistic practice for uniting medicine,agriculture and education thus becoming one living entity. To enhance this effort the next Inspiration was to invite the practitioners of these three bodies from South, Central and North America. Experiencing this melting pot of Cultures encouraged the whole of the festival to delve deeper into the Mysteries of the being of America.


This new Cultural event which was later titled “The Human Being and the Rhythms of Nature '' was formed to recognize the cosmic rhythms of the Michaelmas Feast as mentioned previously. Interestingly, the unfolding course of the festival days created an unforeseen potential for sharing Insights with one another through true vulnerability.  This kind of sharing brought life into the heart of the event and opened our festival community to the Guadalupe mysteries in association with the Michael tide. This set up the courageous foundation for working further into Healing art of purifying the Soul of the event.

Future Community

The healing stories from this Festival event in Mexico gave rise to many new collaborations, future projects and inspiring thoughts for building renewed community life throughout the Americas.  Most of us who attended the whole festivities had experienced in some way how Spiritual Science can ever-widen our relationship to the Wisdom of Nature. From this point of view, several carriers of the festival work revealed a new creative spirit for continuing the production of Festivals throughout the Americas. Currently the next chapters are being written and soon we hope to rekindle this ritual flame for illuminating the future cosmic cultus.